Northport Park, Wareham

ES Landscape Planning worked closely with our sister company, Ecology Solutions, and the rest of the design team on behalf of Welbeck Land to develop the proposals for Northport Park, a new Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) on the edge of Wareham, Dorset. The proposed SANG seeks to prevent additional visitor pressure upon the nearby Wareham Forest SSSI and Dorset Coast SPA as a result of proposed new residential development around the town.

ES Landscape Planning worked closely with the ecologists to develop a scheme that met the Natural England requirements and responded positively to the localised landscape setting, providing a 3.5km walking route for visitors with views towards the wider Purbeck Hills and opportunities for habitat creation. The proposals have been presented to Natural England who agree with the approach. The proposed SANG has now been presented to Dorset Council with a view to include it within the emerging Local Plan to mitigate future residential development around Wareham.

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